We are back! – We’ve missed you!
We’d firstly, like to thank all of the amazing and dedicated people on the front line who have kept our community and country on an even keel in these trying times.
Thank you HSE.
Thank you Key Workers.
Thank you Carers.
Thank you to our Customers.
Secondly, although we are back in business, we are all facing ‘The New Normal’...
The best things HAVE NOT changed...
Our Customers
Our Staff
Our Welcome
Our Atmosphere
Our Service
But...some things HAVE TO change...
Covid 19 Safety Protocols must be adhered to AT ALL TIMES – By Everyone!- No exceptions!
One-way system operating for entering and exiting.
Hand Sanitisers for all to use.
Social Distancing of 2 metres must be maintained at all times for the safety of everyone.
The toilets are one in, one out and will be monitored.
We will be providing Table Service.
If possible contactless payments by debit or credit cards are preferable.
Please Read and adhere to our displayed information signs.
A very warm welcome awaits you all and we look forward to seeing you for a well deserved drink (or two!) and of course the best Guinness around!
You can drink at home but you can't get this feeling anywhere else!
We have been well known for our live music evenings n the past, but for now this won’t be happening for the time being, don’t worry we are working on it. We know it won’t quite be the same but McGourty's will be a very relaxing if different but enjoyable atmosphere.
We have to take it step by step guided by the authorities until we get to the next phase. It’s a challenging time for everybody - Every measure possible has been taken. Please Take Care "I think it's just where everyone gets to socialise and catch up with people that they haven't's nice to just get together.
Together we make friends.
Stay Safe,
…There will be good days again,
Best Wishes, See You Soon,
Lorna McGourty and Crew